Sometimes, everyday adventures are put on hold by bigger, life changing events.
They are the unexpected tragedies, coming out of nowhere and catching everyone off guard. They take us from bright-eyed and optimistic and throw us into a state of terror and disbelief. Wide-eyed, we stare around at our crumbled world, hoping with every molecule inside of us that this isn't really happening, unable to understand why our friend, why BVH. No, no, no.
BVH was one of those incredible, genuine people with the ability to put a smile on anyone's face. He was always up for anything, always ready for a good time, never complaining, never bringing down the mood. He was someone who truly knew how to live and love life—and had such an effect on so many people along the way. We are all so very, very lucky to have been a part of his journey—even if we didn't realize it until recently.
Sometimes we take people for granted—we take life for granted. If there is any glimmer of light that came from this tragedy, it is that we've realized how precious life, and the people in it, are. Nothing is certain, all we can do is to love what we're given and live everyday like it's the best—just like BV did.
You changed us all for the better, BV, and you'll be missed forever. Love you always.